Saturday, July 3, 2010

Java Adventures, Mostly

I somewhat sheepishly offer a screenie of the new ripple effect in the Atrium.
I also began drafting the first guest's schedule, personality, and backstory. I think they'll have the appropriate balance of intrinsic creepiness and charm.

Most of today I have spent beginning my first experiments in Java. I love the concept of interfaces and am still working my current idea of callbacks and the observer pattern into this. My first project is to implement a simple tangled strings puzzle, where you move little "knobs" around to detangle the attached strings. I've got the knobs moving by mouse, presently, after an hour or so of work. The Java API is clearly the toughest part for me, so I'm still learning lots of details about AWT and Swing, the drawing and GUI libraries. But I'm really enjoying it -- it's a fresh idea for a project to do, and a new language... one that I'll be using extensively at university in... well, less than 2 months now!


  1. Awesome! :D Good luck at the uni; make mad progress now, because soon things will become pretty hectic!! :)

  2. Thanks. I was working at a much faster pace last summer, but I'm managing what I can now.
