Saturday, June 5, 2010

More trouble than it's worth

You have no idea how guilty I feel about skipping a day. Well, good and bad news... Yesterday, I created the lock-and-key floor, pimped out the overworld with more coloring and signs, and got a great start on the spider-themed pool (oh yes, prickly).

I would've had everything up, but I went out and didn't come home early, as usual. So today I have spent all of my time home trying to get dual monitors set up properly. If you just want a super-wide screen, Twinview's great, but I can't stand that setup... I want certain things to be bound to each screen. When I alt-tab, I don't want compiz grabbing from both screens. Compiz can't bind a screen to a workspace. So apparently what I want is not Twinview but to run separate X screens. This nearly works... except xfce and every other WM can't handle this so far. Lovely.

Anyway, I'll be out again tonight, but the server's up, and hopefully I'll have the pool done (right now, pool's closed -- couldn't resist) and corresponding pictures. Cheers!

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